Spotlight on the use of NPEs
11. Juni 2012
30. Mai 2012
As widely reported in the U.S. media, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a policy memorandum in May 2011 on ‘Labelling of textiles that contain organic ingredients’. The memo clarifies that labelling of textile products as ‘organic’ requires both the use of textile fibres p…
News until summer 2012
17. Februar 2010
July/August 2012 Please be invited to meet with GOTS representative for Germany, Switzerland and Austria and Marketing Project Manager Claudia Kersten, at the following fairs that include the exhibition of eco-textiles:
Deutsche Info-Broschüre von "Have you cottoned on yet" - Biobaumwollanbau im Vergleich
03. Oktober 2003
Pressemitteilung (zur sofortigen Veröffentlichung)
Deutsche Broschüre der "Have you cottoned on?" Kampagne erschienen
Ab sofort steht auf der Webseite des Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS) auch die deutsche Fassung der Informationsbroschüre zum Download bereit. Sie…