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Human rights and social criteria

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the leading worldwide standard for producing organic textiles. GOTS sets a high industry benchmark, ensuring that the human rights of workers in GOTS Certified Entities are respected and upheld, thereby promoting a high bar of excellence within the industry.

Respect for Human Rights

GOTS promotes respect for human rights across the value chain. In GOTS 7.0, there is a greater emphasis on risk-based due diligence, in line with the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector.

Prohibition of Forced Labour

GOTS firmly upholds the prohibition of forced labour, in line with the principles set forth in the ILO Forced Labour Convention (C29), Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (C105) and best industry practices. GOTS ensures that workers are not compelled to work under any form of menace, penalty, or intimidation. GOTS 7.0 sets explicit criteria for prohibiting various forms of forced labour, such as servitude, bonded, trafficked, or indentured labour.

Prohibition of Child Labour

GOTS strictly prohibits child labour and protects young workers by adhering to internationally recognised standards, including the International Labour Organisation's Minimum Age Convention (C138) and Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (C182), as well as the industry best practices for respecting and promoting children's rights. The latest version of the Standard, GOTS 7.0, strengthens our position on child labour. If child labour is detected, the business certified to GOTS – also referred to as Certified Entity, in which it is detected is required to remove the child from the workplace and actively facilitate the child's access to education. In addition, GOTS 7.0 introduces more comprehensive provisions to protect young workers, such as restrictions on night work, on hazardous conditions and on working hours and to ensure access to education or vocational training.

Discrimination, Violence and Harassment

GOTS promotes a workplace free from discrimination, violence and harassment, in line with the principles of the International Labour Organization's Equal Remuneration Convention (C100), Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (C111) and Violence and Harassment Convention (C190). GOTS 7.0, sets out more explicit requirements for preventing and fostering an environment where individuals are treated with respect and dignity. The criteria include a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment and gender-based violence and encourage confidential reporting of any form of abuse. This commitment ensures a safe and respectful workplace for all individuals within the GOTS-certified value chain.

Gender Equality

GOTS promotes gender equality in the workplace, in line with international standards such as the International Labour Organisation’s Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (C111), Equal Remuneration Convention (C100), Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (C156) and Maternity Protection Convention (C183). GOTS 7.0 requires Certified Entities to maintain equal, fair and transparent procedures and practises in recruitment, promotion and remuneration and to ensure equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. In addition, GOTS 7.0 emphasises the protection of pregnant women of mothers and of their children, prohibits dismissal and career setbacks due to pregnancy or maternity leave and protects employees with family responsibilities from discrimination.

Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining

GOTS strongly supports the right of workers to organise and bargain collectively, in line with ILO Conventions C087, C098, C135 and C154. GOTS 7.0 requires Certified Entities to respect these rights and to promote an open and supportive environment for trade unions. It protects workers from any adverse actions or threats due to their union activities. In regions where these rights are restricted, Certified Entities must provide channels for the reasonable and independent exercise of these rights. This commitment addresses key risks in the textile industry, such as the suppression of union activities and reprisals against workers' representatives and it ensures a fair and respectful workplace for all.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

GOTS sets thorough and stringent occupational health and safety criteria in line with international standards such as the Occupational Safety and Health Convention (C155), the Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation (R164), the Chemicals Convention (C170) and the International Labour Organisation's Occupational Health and Safety Recommendation (R97). GOTS 7.0 places a high priority on safe and hygienic working conditions and promotes industry best practices for occupational health and safety in the textile industry. Certified companies are required to establish an occupational health and safety system, protect vulnerable workers and conduct regular risk assessments. Measures to prevent accidents, injuries and illnesses are mandatory, as is the provision of adequate medical assistance. Compliance with fire safety regulations and the provision of accessible emergency exits are mandatory. Health and safety training must be provided to all workers, including those who work from home.

      Remuneration and Living Wage

      In line with the ILO Protection of Wages Convention (C095) and Minimum Wage Fixing Convention (C131), GOTS ensures that all workers receive decent wages. GOTS 7.0 requires that wages for regular working hours at least meet national legal standards or industry benchmarks, whichever is higher. It also emphasises the importance of living wages, requiring Certified Entities to calculate the 'wage gap' between their remuneration and the living wage and to develop a plan to close this gap. This commitment is aimed at ensuring that wages are sufficient to meet basic needs and provide some discretionary income, promoting a fair and decent life for workers.

      Working Hours

      GOTS 7.0 ensures working hours comply with national laws, collective bargaining agreements and industry standards or ILO conventions, whichever provides greater worker protection. Workers must not regularly work over 8 hours a day or 48 hours per week, excluding overtime. They are entitled to rest breaks and a minimum of 24 consecutive hours of rest every seven days. Overtime must be voluntary, not exceeding 12 hours per week, shall not be regularly demanded and shall not pose a higher risk of occupational hazards.


      GOTS stands for the fair treatment of homeworkers. GOTS 7.0 provides specific guidance on remuneration, social benefits and access to grievance mechanisms for homeworkers.

      Migrant Workers

      GOTS requires respecting migrant workers’ rights, focusing on recruitment practises, employment contracts and ensuring equal treatment among all workers.

      GOTS' Human Rights and Social Criteria are designed to ensure fair treatment and respect for textile workers, while ensuring that the products they create are devoid of harmful chemicals, protecting them from severe health concerns.


      GOTS is an all-inclusive, comprehensive standard which addresses this issue by setting strict environmental, human-rights and social criteria throughout the entire value chain. Find out about all GOTS key features:

      Compliance support+
      All Processing Stages
      Due Diligence
      Human-Rights and Social Criteria
      Environmental Criteria
      Third-Party Certification
      Organic Fibres