GOTS people

The Advisory Council is the decision making committee for all relevant structural and political issues related to the Global Organic Textile Standard programme. Its members are nominated by the founding organisations. The Advisory Council meets annually.
Advisory Council

The GOTS Standards Committee is the advisory body that works with the GOTS Advisory Council. These are experts representing all aspects of the textile value chain appointed by the founding organisations. The Committee is coordinated by the Director of Standards Development and Quality Assurance, Rahul Bhajekar. The Terms of Reference of the Standards Committee are presently under review and this text will be revised accordingly as soon as possible.
The Standards Committee has the following main functions/authorities:
- Generating revisions of the Standard and the Implementation Manual.
- Developing the Labelling Guide and supervision of labelling applications.
- Developing the accreditation system and related qualification and quality assurance requirements for certification bodies.
- Supervision of accredited certification bodies to ascertain their adherence to, and consistent interpretation of, the GOTS and related stipulations.
Standards Committee

GOTS approved certification bodies are responsible for the implementation of the GOTS quality assurance system. In this function they use the standard, procedures and tools of the GOTS Programme on a daily basis. Drawing on the broad expertise gathered during this work is vital for GOTS in order to further develop its functioning and practical system in the market.
For the purpose of facilitating this, GOTS established the Certifiers Council in which each approved certification body is represented by a responsible expert. The Certifiers Council has an advisory function with regard to all issues related to the GOTS quality assurance system. The collaboration of all approved GOTS certification bodies in this unique forum is an important prerequisite for a consistent interpretation of the criteria and requirements of the standard. Coordinated by the GOTS Director of Standards and Quality Assurance, the Certifiers Council makes proposals to the Standards Committee.
Certifiers Council

In 2008, the four founding organisations set up a legal entity under German law: "Global Standard gemeinnützige GmbH" (Global Standard non-profit limited liability company). Charged with executing the Global Organic Textile Standard programme, this legal entity, conducts all regulatory activities in connection with the implementation of GOTS and its quality assurance, as well as the related labelling system. It is the proprietor of the GOTS label, which is registered as a trademark in relevant production countries and sales markets for organic textile goods.
Managing Directors

Administration + HR


GOTS has appointed several representatives who operate in a global network to promote GOTS in their respective regions and around the world. To date, regional representatives have been appointed in the major sales markets of the USA/Canada, Germany/Austria/Switzerland, Japan, the United Kingdom and in the most important production countries: China, India, Bangladesh, Turkey and Africa. GOTS also employs representatives with special targets such as the European Union and global fashion brands.

Standard Development and Quality Assurance

Education and Promotion


Data & Technology

Student Assistants